The Project

Permaculture is a system of agricultural and social design principles centered on simulating, or directly utilizing, the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems. But PERMIND is more than this. PERMIND is an opportunity for adults with mental illness to learn from nature, to increase their autonomy, to know new people, to break the digital gap, to be respectful with the environment… very ambitious? YES! But realistic.

PERMIND is an eLearning platform that professionals working with people with severe and prolonged mental illness can use to learn how to create therapeutic gardens based on the principles of permaculture. In this platform you can find training sessions, tips, pieces of advice on how to establish a cooperative and good examples of the results that can be obtained. Everything related to PERMIND is made available through the digital learning platform.

A mobile app allow the students to interact and to be an active part of their own learning process. They upload photos, videos, interviews, etc. aiming to be the students’ book of the 21st century.

Thanks to PERMIND we achieved to organize five pilot experiences involving around 50 people in Spain, Slovenia, Greece and Sweden during a complete year, thus having the opportunity to learn how to work the land in the four sessions of the year. The idea behind the PERMIND training course is not only to teach a sustainable way to work the land, but also to train transversal competencies useful for social and labour integration of people with mental illness, as for instance team working, commitment, resilience, organizational skills, communication, problems solving, etc.

We must remember than integration is a two-ways work, we can prepare vulnerable groups to enter/re-enter the society but a great effort must be done to make general society aware of the mental illness to normalize the situation. That is why we have implemented several dissemination activities to get close to society. Thus, permaculture and mental illness, two concepts that can be totally unknown to the society will be friendlier and, even, a new part of their life.

PERMIND is a unique opportunity to change, to re-think about our environment, about the people around us, about our own competencies. PERMIND opens a door to new relationships and perspectives in a constructive, sustainable and creative way, please come in!






The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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